Friday, May 6, 2011

Joining insanity in ArcGIS 10, Excel 2010

Problem: I haven't been able to join the Excel file that contains demographic data by census tract to the census tract shape file.

My specific issue is that when I open the Join window, the joinable field names are not selectable... if the CT shapefile field name is selected, the corresponding field name in the Excel file is not available to select, and vice versa.

I downloaded both sets of info from the census website... so why the technical trubs???

After renaming, resaving, repopulating, and refilling my beer, I finally thought to check the field properties for my problem fields in both layers (open attribute table, highlight column of interest, right click column heading, select "Properties", check "Type"). Surprise! My field of interest in my shapefile layer is type "string", while the corresponding field of interest in my Excel file layer is type "double".

Solution: I created a same-type field to complete the join.

Since I couldn't seem to add a string type field to the Excel layer in ArcGIS, I ended up adding a double type field to the shapefile layer: Open attribute table, select "Add field...", named it "GeoId10d" and type "double" leaving the default for precision and scale. Then I started Editor (button that looks like a pencil connecting the dots), selected the appropriate layer to edit, opened the attribute table, right clicked on my new GeoID10d column, selected "Field Calculator" and just double clicked the "GeoID10" column (telling ArcGIS that GeoID10d = [GeoId10]... in English, setting the new GeoID10d column to copy the values from the old GeoID10 column and store those values as type double).

Once I had a matching type field, the join worked! Horray!

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